Tuesday, December 23, 2008


TRYING TO hide from me...
THEN figured out I had the camera so had to pose...

NOW acting like Santa...

My daddy let me have the MOST FUN BATH EVER last night... Mommy walked in & about had a heart attack... The pictures should explain why.... She obviously discovered how to turn the whirlpool part of the bath on & look how much fun she discovered she could have... IT WAS TO CUTE so I had to share some pictures.... Hope everyone is gearing up for the holidays... We have had so much fun teaching Kayla so many new things this year. She now knows how to un-wrap gifts (so sorry to those who gifts are a little messed up). Then one of the cutest things she has learned to say is "nite~nite baby Jesus" every time she goes up the stairs. (our nativity scene is right by our front door & stairs....) "SOOO CUTE!!!" Hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS & I will have plenty of fun stories/pictures to share after Wednesday (@ NaNa & Papa's) & Thursday (@ our house). Until then have a blessed day & tell your loved ones you LOVE THEM!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Kayla & her last day at school for the year!!

K infront of our tree!

Her favorite place to sit!!!

Kayla had her last day of school on Thursday & they did a Happy Birthday to Jesus party... SO STINKING CUTE! She is doing so well after the first two weeks (of adjusting) & loves her teachers & friends. I am kind of sad they don't go this week because she is having such a long break until she goes back. Partly our fault since we will be in Maui the first week of January... (i know cry a river hu', she will be in PARADISE...) I am little scared about our 8 hour flight over there, but she has traveled quite a bit by plane so we will keep our fingers crossed! I just wanted to share these real cute pics of her posing for the camera (which I may add she loves to do, then she loves to look at herself in the replay afterwards... so funny!) Hope everyone is having a wonderful day & staying warm. IT IS FREEZING UP HERE IN DALLAS.... J left a cooler of water outside from our get together last night & it is all frozen... (& can I add it was 75 yesterday during the day...) "Gotta love Texas weather!"

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kayla & Cereal....

K eating her yummy cereal...
So this morning I decided to let Kayla eat her Heart to Heart cereal with the milk still in it... She has been watching daddy do this for weeks & I thought what the heck..... IT WAS SOOO FUNNY I just had to share a picture! She thought she was such a big girl because she was using the spoon herself & that mommy actually kept the milk in the bowl (I normally pour the milk out once it gets a lil' soggy & let her eat it with her hands...) After she was done she kept asking her dad for "moe" as she so famously says..... MAN THEY GROW so fast & do the cutest stinkin' things! We just thank God everyday for our SWEET little angel! Have a great day all & give your love ones a BIG HUG & KISS!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Condensed Milk vs Evaporated Milk.....

SOOOOO........... Me being the creative cook I try to be, tonight I want to try a new recipe (mistake 1). It makes a bunch so J thought he would ask the neighbors over to try it out.... The recipe was Enchilada-Zagna, sounds yummy right! So I boil the chicken & get all my ingredients lined up. It calls for you to heat a can of EVAPORATED MILK, 8oz Mexican blend cheese, & diced green chilies. I am doing this but also talking to Shelly, having a few sips of wine, chasing after Kayla & chiming in on the other conversations in the room.... (MULTI TASKING IS THE BEST!!!) Well as it is mixing together it is not getting smooth like the recipe says it will be doing; I mention this to Shelly but continue on my way. So I make my layers, put it all together, clean the cans, and in the oven it goes.... Again no one says anything. 45 minutes later we take it out, serve everyone, the first bite is taken... EXACT WORDS SAID BY SHELLY, "this has a sweet taste to it...." I looked at her like, YOU HAVE HAD TO MUCH WINE & then said, "really?" I take a bite & I must have had the most puzzled look ever. I go to the recycle bin... YUP I freakin' used CONDENSED FF SWEETENED MILK... I brought it in the house and was laughing so hard I was crying..... They all started busting out laughing & needless to say the meal got MANY nicknames! Everyone ate it, Donnie had seconds, & Shelly is taken some for lunch tomorrow. (They could just be being nice thought) :)
That is what I get for trying something new on people. I try to not do this but I thought what the heck I surly cant screw this up!!! THANK GOODNESS for the YUMMY Mint Choc Chip cookies I made to cover up my mess up.... Nothing like sweet enchilada~zagna then cookies, right.
To the Foster's THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH GOOD SPORTS... now we know why Maris wouldn't eat any!!!! :) I will pay closer attention next time, I promise ;)
Have a good night all. This prob. wont make you laugh as much as we were but I guess you had to be here & I HAD TO SHARE!!!!! xoxox, H

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Zack & Kayla playing before we head out for Thanksgiving

K' hanging in her outside chair while everyone gets ready!

Better late then never.... I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We ate a REALLY QUICK but yummy lunch then we were off to the Cowboys Game (which wasn't much of one) but it was FUN!!! Miss Kayla stayed with her Nana & Papa & her new best friend that she talks about daily, UNCLE RILEY!!! (he just has that effect on girls hu) :) Then yesterday as the house cleared out (we had lots of guest this week) we took down Thanksgiving stuff & up went Christmas! Miss Kayla is very intrigued with it all this year so that is FUN!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving & now we are off and running getting ready for Christmas.

On a side note be praying for RP.... For a successful surgery and that he will be up and going in NO TIME!!!

Have a great day all!!!! xoxo

Friday, November 21, 2008


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIAN.... thank you for making our wonderful Jennifer so very happy & treating her like the princess she should be treated. We are so blessed to have you in our family & thanks for being such a WONDERFUL friend/brother-in-law to J. He is so excited to have someone share all of his DORKY AND SILLY jokes he likes to pull at random times in the year!!!! Hope you are having a great day & we love you!!!
H, J & Kayla... :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

THE WORLD THRU my eyes :)

SO I know A LOT OF THINGS ARE GOING ON IN Today's WORLD..... especially here in the US. I think my lovely (2nd) MOM is going to have a nervous break down every time I talk to her. All I keep saying to myself is "WHAT DO YOU DO????" I was sitting here thinking about this today & I was saying to myself am I naive, in denial, or just don't realize how screwed up everything really is.... Probably a little bit of both, but I sit back and say it is out of our hands; all we can do is pray. Then as I say that I remember one of my WONDERFUL & loving friends quote "Our new president is not a Christian, so does that mean the world is coming to an end....??" I don't remember her words verbatim so I wont say who said this, but again this makes me wonder... All we can do is go to bed every night & wake every morning thanking our Lord for our amazing families, friends & blessings.

On this note we should never take anyone &/or anything for granted, tell our loved ones we love them as much as possible & if you think you may have done something wrong or hurtful say your sorry! It is so easy to treat your loved ones & friends as you would want to be treated. I try to live by this motto everyday..... DON'T get me wrong I am not perfect, but I am definitely getting better as I age!!! :) On that note have a great night all & never stop praying.... :)

PS: for those who have been asking, Miss K had a MUCH better week at school, to bad next week is a off week she would really be adjusted!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kayla & School....

K packing her lunch for school

So Kayla started her first day of Mother's Day out Tuesday. She finally got into Sonshine Academy & her first day was eventful. Her teacher said they painted a turkey & learned left/right.... Then she said she had some happy times & sad times.... :( When I got there to pick her up she was crying saying "all done, all done" Everyone says it takes a couple times for her to get adjusted so we will keep our fingers crossed! So all day today I have been teaching her about school & making her say her teachers names just keeping it fresh in her brain.... Who knows how much she really understood but hey it made me feel better :)

Jen T, has it really been 2 months... NO WAY we have to get together!!!! She misses you guys & when the neighbor saw her today he was like oh my gosh she looks so different in just two weeks.... She is doing the corkiest little things & is such a little parrot. She also started this weird thing today where she runs and hides behind me when something scares her.... SO STRANGE, she never has done that before! IT AMAZES ME THE THINGS they pick up & learn on a daily basis. I bet she will pick up all kinds of stuff going to school now.... "can't wait" :)

Well I am off to watch the rest of the CMA (of skip thru the parts I want to watch...) GEEEZZZZ that Kelly Pickler looked BEAUTIFUL! Have a great night all....

Monday, November 10, 2008

Picture from Disney & the win...

Here are some pictures from the win & Disney... It would only let me add 5 so here they are!

The winning flag!!!

Kayla & Mason being silly

Kayla in front of Cinderella's castle

Kayla & Mason holding the winning flag

Kayla with Mickey & Minnie...


Ok as we all know the airline industry is having their troubles along with every other industry. I feel very blessed to be working for an AMAZING airline, Southwest. Granted we have our good & bad eggs, but for the most part everyone is AWESOME to work with. We are paid very well, get treated FABULOUSLY (compared to the others), & have great benefits. Over-all Southwest Airlines Employees should be & I think are very happy to be working for one of the best carriers in the world.

That being said, Kayla & I wanted to come back Sunday afternoon & all the flights were full so non-rev traveling was out the window. (that is flying for free (seat available) for those who don't know this term) I looked on-line & found a ticket for $139.00 Orlando to DFW, this is a very good price being I was buying it Sunday morning. The airline I was flying I have had issues with in the past & told myself NEVER AGAIN WOULD I BE FLYING THIS AIRLINE.... I thought what the heck it is cheap & we really wanted to get home. So James takes us to the airport (he had to stay back and play in a caddy tournament today, which he won!) We get up to the ticket counter and I had shipped a bunch of stuff home so I knew my bag was safe. James puts my bag on the scale & I CRAP YOU NOT the lady bust out a tape measure and starts measuring my bag. I started to laugh being I fly with this bag all the time (it is the club glove duffel type bag.) She says to me, "your bag is 62 & 1/2 inches we only allow 1 bag 62 inches free." I literally started to laugh & she got pissed.... (This airline is known for only hiring "certain type" of people, which I thought wasn't legal anymore but who am I to judge) James then becomes mad and demands a supervisor. We are now creeping on the "45 minute" rule they have, the supervisor comes over & she measure it again. She said see 62 & 1/2 (James is getting real mad now) He says to the Supervisor, will you please measure the bag I know it is under 62 inches & I am not paying $75 extra for it. The guy does it and sure enough it is under 62 inches... IDIOTS I SAY.... You know these airlines want people to keep flying them but every time you turn around they are giving poor customer assistance & charging you for everything. There was even more drama when we got to the plane but I am not even going to get into it... they are all just a bunch of nuts....

I just know & we vowed to never again FLY THIS ATLANTA BASED AIRLINE!!!!!!!!! That all being said we are back!!! Miss Kayla starts her new school on Tuesday (hope it goes great). James is coming home tonight & we are ready for some R&R before the holidays. Disney can really WIPE every inch of energy out of you!!!! :)

Hope everyone is great & have a wonderful day! xoxoxo

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO TODAY WAS simply bittersweet. Ryan had his 2nd PGA TOUR victory! What an amazing blessing this is to our family & theirs.... It has been such a roller coaster year & all of the "blood, sweat & tears"(as the like to say) have paid off.
First and foremost we have to thank the big man upstairs; if it wasn't for you God I really don't know how we would of made it thru some of our days. For this we are forever indebted & THANK YOU!!! Second, J what a wonderful husband, father, friend, & employee you are.... When everyone was talking down you stood strong and held your ground.... WE ARE SO PROUD of you & you were right.... "YOU KNEW he could do it & that IS WAS COMING!" Thank you for never giving up & being so strong & loyal for our family. I LOVE YOU!!! Third, thank you to all of our family & friends for all of your prayers & words of encouragements. We love you!!! Forth, CONGRATS RYAN..."you did it" what an amazing time we had & we are so blessed to have been there to share it with you, Jen & Mason. WE thank you for everything, for such a wonderful experience & for all of the everlasting memories we will all continue to make. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!
Off we go to Orlando in the morning for the Disney Tournament (which he won 4 years ago) there we will be having a celebration at the Foltz's house.... "Buying out the Hess store again as J says".... "GOTTA LOVE FLORIDA" Have a great day everyone & thank you again for all of your calls & texts.... xoxoxo
ps: will upload pics when I get them downloaded....

Thursday, October 30, 2008

1st week on the road....

(kind of dark being I took with phone... but looks like she enjoys the new egg crate)

So I am trying to be good about keeping up with this & I wanted to really blog about a "kids Halloween" experience we had in Frisco before I left for our trip. I just never got around to it.... I even had great pictures of the MADNESS. "oh well"

First I want to say a little prayer for Miss Aspen.... sweetie I hope you are getting stronger by the minute & know you have all of us pulling for you... HANG IN THERE, stay strong & GET BETTER so we can see your beautiful mom smiling again!!! Kel you too... hang in there & be the rock I know you ALAWAYs are/can be....

On another note... I have had a couple people say they are having a hard time leaving comments or following the blog. I don't quite know how to do it but I know there is a way you set up an account. Then every time a new blog is written or you are wanting to post a comment you just enter your email & password & it will post.... (help any????)

So here we are in our first week on the road. We are in PALM COAST, FL (Brooke sorry I told you Palm Beach....) IT HAS BEEN SOOOO STINKING COLD here, I am telling you "RECORD" lows... Totally not prepared may I add; so basically the same two long sleeves are getting their wear out of them! We had our first round of golf today & WHAT A GREAT ONE IT WAS... "go boys, gotta love Florida" Miss Kayla has had a rough adjustment so far (this is after being perfect on our 4 hour flight & hour & 1/2 drive....). We can't quite figure out why but in trying I am on a mission to make a Pack & Play more comfortable. Those who don't have kids may not know what this is but it is a card board type mattress :) that goes in a portable crib. Really who wants to sleep on that; someone should make a blow up type mattress to put inside of this thing that makes it more comfortable. I really thought it was my kid being high maintenance but the more moms I talk to say their kid sleeps horrible in them also. So the solution that J & I came up with is to go by an egg crate from the store & cut it down to size. THIS WORKED PERFECTLY being the sheet still fits over it and the mattress!!!! "Genius I say"... (for now that is) I should think of a patent for a solution to this but again I am sure not all kids sleep in theirs as much as Miss K (& mason...) Then by the time I do figure it out she won't need it anymore.... See all those things Dana you said you wish you would of thought of, now it is me saying it!

Well this is kind of wordy and long just wanted to touch base with our week... I won't be adding any new pictures being I don't have any down loaded yet. Wishing lots of luck this week in golf & to a healthy beginning TO ALL!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Trying it out....

(I just had to add this CUTE picture I took of K
today on our 1st day of chilly weather)

Everyone is always asking me, "Are you keeping up with all of your travels with Miss Kayla?".....

Since we have been so extremely blessed in all of our traveling I decided to jump on the band wagon & start a blog. Those who know me real well know I am not much of a writer & secondly THANK GOODNESS FOR SPELL CHECK! I just thought we see such wonderful places & get to do such amazing things instead of telling the story over & over again I would just write about our adventures!

Our next plane ride will be to Florida. We will be gone for two weeks & are going to have such a wonderful time. The first week we will be in Palm Beach then the following we will be in Orlando. I am very excited for both of these weeks especially since Ryan LOVES Florida tournaments! On that note CONGRATS TO THE BOYS for Monday Qualifying this week in Scottsdale... "Get it done!!!" We will be cheering & praying for a great week back here in Texas!!!!

Hope everyone enjoys & I promise to try and be prompt in keeping it updated! (i know you have heard that before, right Jen T.) Hope everyone is doing great & have a BLESSED DAY!

The family in MAUI

The family in MAUI

Miss Kayla as a pirate

Miss Kayla as a pirate
first time to trick or treat @ Frisco Safety town

J & I in Mexico for my 30th b-day!

J & I in Mexico for my 30th b-day!
so much fun he planned a great trip for me!

our beautiful family in Central Park NY

our beautiful family in Central Park NY
we had such a wonderful day spending time with Miss Tracy & Adam

Kayla's Pumpkin Patch Day!

Kayla's Pumpkin Patch Day!
Here is Miss Kayla running out of the hay house (I think that was her favorite part)

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