Tuesday, December 23, 2008


TRYING TO hide from me...
THEN figured out I had the camera so had to pose...

NOW acting like Santa...

My daddy let me have the MOST FUN BATH EVER last night... Mommy walked in & about had a heart attack... The pictures should explain why.... She obviously discovered how to turn the whirlpool part of the bath on & look how much fun she discovered she could have... IT WAS TO CUTE so I had to share some pictures.... Hope everyone is gearing up for the holidays... We have had so much fun teaching Kayla so many new things this year. She now knows how to un-wrap gifts (so sorry to those who gifts are a little messed up). Then one of the cutest things she has learned to say is "nite~nite baby Jesus" every time she goes up the stairs. (our nativity scene is right by our front door & stairs....) "SOOO CUTE!!!" Hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS & I will have plenty of fun stories/pictures to share after Wednesday (@ NaNa & Papa's) & Thursday (@ our house). Until then have a blessed day & tell your loved ones you LOVE THEM!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Kayla & her last day at school for the year!!

K infront of our tree!

Her favorite place to sit!!!

Kayla had her last day of school on Thursday & they did a Happy Birthday to Jesus party... SO STINKING CUTE! She is doing so well after the first two weeks (of adjusting) & loves her teachers & friends. I am kind of sad they don't go this week because she is having such a long break until she goes back. Partly our fault since we will be in Maui the first week of January... (i know cry a river hu', she will be in PARADISE...) I am little scared about our 8 hour flight over there, but she has traveled quite a bit by plane so we will keep our fingers crossed! I just wanted to share these real cute pics of her posing for the camera (which I may add she loves to do, then she loves to look at herself in the replay afterwards... so funny!) Hope everyone is having a wonderful day & staying warm. IT IS FREEZING UP HERE IN DALLAS.... J left a cooler of water outside from our get together last night & it is all frozen... (& can I add it was 75 yesterday during the day...) "Gotta love Texas weather!"

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kayla & Cereal....

K eating her yummy cereal...
So this morning I decided to let Kayla eat her Heart to Heart cereal with the milk still in it... She has been watching daddy do this for weeks & I thought what the heck..... IT WAS SOOO FUNNY I just had to share a picture! She thought she was such a big girl because she was using the spoon herself & that mommy actually kept the milk in the bowl (I normally pour the milk out once it gets a lil' soggy & let her eat it with her hands...) After she was done she kept asking her dad for "moe" as she so famously says..... MAN THEY GROW so fast & do the cutest stinkin' things! We just thank God everyday for our SWEET little angel! Have a great day all & give your love ones a BIG HUG & KISS!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Condensed Milk vs Evaporated Milk.....

SOOOOO........... Me being the creative cook I try to be, tonight I want to try a new recipe (mistake 1). It makes a bunch so J thought he would ask the neighbors over to try it out.... The recipe was Enchilada-Zagna, sounds yummy right! So I boil the chicken & get all my ingredients lined up. It calls for you to heat a can of EVAPORATED MILK, 8oz Mexican blend cheese, & diced green chilies. I am doing this but also talking to Shelly, having a few sips of wine, chasing after Kayla & chiming in on the other conversations in the room.... (MULTI TASKING IS THE BEST!!!) Well as it is mixing together it is not getting smooth like the recipe says it will be doing; I mention this to Shelly but continue on my way. So I make my layers, put it all together, clean the cans, and in the oven it goes.... Again no one says anything. 45 minutes later we take it out, serve everyone, the first bite is taken... EXACT WORDS SAID BY SHELLY, "this has a sweet taste to it...." I looked at her like, YOU HAVE HAD TO MUCH WINE & then said, "really?" I take a bite & I must have had the most puzzled look ever. I go to the recycle bin... YUP I freakin' used CONDENSED FF SWEETENED MILK... I brought it in the house and was laughing so hard I was crying..... They all started busting out laughing & needless to say the meal got MANY nicknames! Everyone ate it, Donnie had seconds, & Shelly is taken some for lunch tomorrow. (They could just be being nice thought) :)
That is what I get for trying something new on people. I try to not do this but I thought what the heck I surly cant screw this up!!! THANK GOODNESS for the YUMMY Mint Choc Chip cookies I made to cover up my mess up.... Nothing like sweet enchilada~zagna then cookies, right.
To the Foster's THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH GOOD SPORTS... now we know why Maris wouldn't eat any!!!! :) I will pay closer attention next time, I promise ;)
Have a good night all. This prob. wont make you laugh as much as we were but I guess you had to be here & I HAD TO SHARE!!!!! xoxox, H

The family in MAUI

The family in MAUI

Miss Kayla as a pirate

Miss Kayla as a pirate
first time to trick or treat @ Frisco Safety town

J & I in Mexico for my 30th b-day!

J & I in Mexico for my 30th b-day!
so much fun he planned a great trip for me!

our beautiful family in Central Park NY

our beautiful family in Central Park NY
we had such a wonderful day spending time with Miss Tracy & Adam

Kayla's Pumpkin Patch Day!

Kayla's Pumpkin Patch Day!
Here is Miss Kayla running out of the hay house (I think that was her favorite part)

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