Thursday, October 30, 2008

1st week on the road....

(kind of dark being I took with phone... but looks like she enjoys the new egg crate)

So I am trying to be good about keeping up with this & I wanted to really blog about a "kids Halloween" experience we had in Frisco before I left for our trip. I just never got around to it.... I even had great pictures of the MADNESS. "oh well"

First I want to say a little prayer for Miss Aspen.... sweetie I hope you are getting stronger by the minute & know you have all of us pulling for you... HANG IN THERE, stay strong & GET BETTER so we can see your beautiful mom smiling again!!! Kel you too... hang in there & be the rock I know you ALAWAYs are/can be....

On another note... I have had a couple people say they are having a hard time leaving comments or following the blog. I don't quite know how to do it but I know there is a way you set up an account. Then every time a new blog is written or you are wanting to post a comment you just enter your email & password & it will post.... (help any????)

So here we are in our first week on the road. We are in PALM COAST, FL (Brooke sorry I told you Palm Beach....) IT HAS BEEN SOOOO STINKING COLD here, I am telling you "RECORD" lows... Totally not prepared may I add; so basically the same two long sleeves are getting their wear out of them! We had our first round of golf today & WHAT A GREAT ONE IT WAS... "go boys, gotta love Florida" Miss Kayla has had a rough adjustment so far (this is after being perfect on our 4 hour flight & hour & 1/2 drive....). We can't quite figure out why but in trying I am on a mission to make a Pack & Play more comfortable. Those who don't have kids may not know what this is but it is a card board type mattress :) that goes in a portable crib. Really who wants to sleep on that; someone should make a blow up type mattress to put inside of this thing that makes it more comfortable. I really thought it was my kid being high maintenance but the more moms I talk to say their kid sleeps horrible in them also. So the solution that J & I came up with is to go by an egg crate from the store & cut it down to size. THIS WORKED PERFECTLY being the sheet still fits over it and the mattress!!!! "Genius I say"... (for now that is) I should think of a patent for a solution to this but again I am sure not all kids sleep in theirs as much as Miss K (& mason...) Then by the time I do figure it out she won't need it anymore.... See all those things Dana you said you wish you would of thought of, now it is me saying it!

Well this is kind of wordy and long just wanted to touch base with our week... I won't be adding any new pictures being I don't have any down loaded yet. Wishing lots of luck this week in golf & to a healthy beginning TO ALL!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Trying it out....

(I just had to add this CUTE picture I took of K
today on our 1st day of chilly weather)

Everyone is always asking me, "Are you keeping up with all of your travels with Miss Kayla?".....

Since we have been so extremely blessed in all of our traveling I decided to jump on the band wagon & start a blog. Those who know me real well know I am not much of a writer & secondly THANK GOODNESS FOR SPELL CHECK! I just thought we see such wonderful places & get to do such amazing things instead of telling the story over & over again I would just write about our adventures!

Our next plane ride will be to Florida. We will be gone for two weeks & are going to have such a wonderful time. The first week we will be in Palm Beach then the following we will be in Orlando. I am very excited for both of these weeks especially since Ryan LOVES Florida tournaments! On that note CONGRATS TO THE BOYS for Monday Qualifying this week in Scottsdale... "Get it done!!!" We will be cheering & praying for a great week back here in Texas!!!!

Hope everyone enjoys & I promise to try and be prompt in keeping it updated! (i know you have heard that before, right Jen T.) Hope everyone is doing great & have a BLESSED DAY!

The family in MAUI

The family in MAUI

Miss Kayla as a pirate

Miss Kayla as a pirate
first time to trick or treat @ Frisco Safety town

J & I in Mexico for my 30th b-day!

J & I in Mexico for my 30th b-day!
so much fun he planned a great trip for me!

our beautiful family in Central Park NY

our beautiful family in Central Park NY
we had such a wonderful day spending time with Miss Tracy & Adam

Kayla's Pumpkin Patch Day!

Kayla's Pumpkin Patch Day!
Here is Miss Kayla running out of the hay house (I think that was her favorite part)

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